Differences in Tourism Demand: A Comparison between Developed and Developing Economies
Panel GMM, Tourism, globalization, environmental quality, tourism expenditures, panel data studyAbstract
Tourism is important in bringing a positive socioeconomic change in the form of creating jobs, increasing income and welfare. The study at hand employs the generalized method of moments approach in the course of investigating the dynamic relationship of tourism expenditures, GDP, globalization, CO2 emissions, and exchange rate with tourism demand during 1995-2014. A total of 50 countries are included in this research study, which is divided into two categories, i.e. 25 developed economies and 25 developing countries. Based on the Panel GMM estimates, for both economies and overall sample, the findings reveal a positive and a significant association between tourism expenditures, world income, globalization and GDP per capita, while there are mixed results for the real exchange rate, environment quality and government effectiveness. It can be suggested that the governance, growth, environment protection and exchange rate management policies can be tapped to boost the tourism receipts.
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