Creating Public Value Through Reputation Management
university reputation management, public value, public universitiesAbstract
The central idea of this research is to find out how reputation management creates public value. The value system of an institution is very much important for its reputation. Reputation is associated with an institution’s ability to assure its employee’s requirements. An institution’s reputation explains its members’ opinion aboutits institution’s proficiency to create values comparative to its opponents. Universities do not give attention to managing their reputation in the long run. Public value can be considered a new thought for public sector organisations to manage their reputation. The public value of universities includes those ethics of an organisation that offer quality services to its students. To remain in the competition, universities have to handle their reputation by fulfilling their students’ demands. Reputation management is much argued in the business sector, and public value is discussed in different public organisations. Few researchers have discussed the relationship between reputation management and public value in the education sector. This study uses proportional random sampling. The sample for this study includes five public universities in Pakistan. To evaluate the collected data Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling was used. The findings of this study confirm that there is a positive relationship between university reputation and public value.
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