Linking Ethical Leadership with Employee Work Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Conscientiousness
Ethical Leadership, Employee Well-being, Employee Voice, ConscientiousnessAbstract
Ethical leadership continues to receive considerable attention due to its influence on various job outcomes, therefore this study was conducted to examine the effect of ethical leadership on job outcomes (employee wellbeing and worker's voice) and to demonstrate that how good faith direct the relationship between ethical leadership and job outcomes. This study was conducted in the Non-Government organizations in Peshawar. Information was gathered from 180 workers working in 6 diverse NGO’s in Peshawar. Information was gathered through an organized questionnaire and convenience sampling technique was used. The results of this study showed that ethical leadership was positively related to employee well-being and employee voice. The findings of the study show that there is a strong relationship between ethical leadership, employee voice, employee well-being. The main contribution of this study was to find the significant moderating effect of conscientiousness on both dependent variables. The future implication shows that organizations can identify those aspects through which employee work outcome can be improved. The use of ethical leadership strategies can allow managers to build a positive attitude in employees which results in employee well-being.
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