Content Analysis of Award Winning Television Advertisements: Implications for Advertising Creativity in Pakistan
Creative Advertisement, Creativity, Novelty, MeaningfulnessAbstract
The advertising professionals and agencies are always doing their level best to develop eye-catching and heart touching creative advertisements so that companies get sufficient return on their advertising expenditures. Moreover, advertising researchers have consensus on the conceptualization of advertising creativity and ascertain that creative advertisements are both novel and meaningful. However, which of the advertising elements such as advertising jingles, slogan, character, storyline and advertising drama contribute to advertising creativity is one of the recent issues that has been least studied. The aim of this study is to investigate how these advertising elements contribute towards enhancing the advertising novelty and meaningfulness, the two foremost dimensions of advertising creativity. Towards this end, forty-one award-winning television advertisements are reassessed for creativity (study one) and subsequently, eleven ads are content analyzed (study two) for its role in enhancing advertising novelty and advertising meaningfulness. The mean analysis of novelty and meaningfulness for the respective advertising elements provide evidence that advertising slogan and dramatization had a significant impact in enhancing advertising creativity. It is also paramount to mention that other advertising elements including jingles, character and storyline though did not attain significance, however, also reflected sufficient agreement for its contribution to ad novelty and meaningfulness. The study findings present valuable implications for business and advertising professionals in Pakistan.
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