Safety Preparedness in the Textile Sector of Pakistan
Emergency Preparedness, HSE, Textile Industry, Pakistan, Occupational Health and SafetyAbstract
The need for effective safety systems, in preventing accidents on workplaces, has long been recognized as a necessary part of doing business. This study is aimed to investigate the occupational health and safety (OHS) status and emergency preparedness of textile industries in the Korangi Industrial Area (KIA) of Karachi, Pakistan. The study has used a self-designed and self-administered close-end quantitative questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The study has gathered primary data of a total of 51 responses from 17 textile and garment firms of KIA. Data was collected from three tiers of the organization, including top management, middle management, and lower management employees. The study has used descriptive statistics and specific inferential statistical techniques for data analysis. The findings showed that there were apparent differences between top management, middle management, and lower management viewpoints about their organization’s preparedness status against emergency situations and OHS parameters. Top management considered themselves satisfied with the current status, whereas middle and lower management staff found themselves at higher risks of occupational injuries and hazards. Therefore, it has been comprehensively concluded by the study that textile firms have to consider effective approaches and OHS policies to ensure appropriate implementation and improved status of emergency preparedness and OHS status.
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