The Impact of Microfinance Institutions Lending on SMEs Growth in Zimbabwe




Microfinance institutions lending; SMEs growth


This study investigated on the impact of microfinance lending on Small to Medium enterprises (SMEs) growth. This study adopted pragmatism philosophy wherein both positivism and interpretivism approaches were deployed. This study also adopted descriptive and explanatory research designs; the explanatory design for quantitative research and the descriptive survey for qualitative research. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select respondents that participated in questionnaires and judgemental sampling to select respondents who participated in interviews. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires with closed ended questions and interview guide instruments. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Thematic Approach, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word packages. The study found that MFIs sell financial and non-financial products to clients. MFIs provide basic business skills, help with capital investment decisions, general business management and risk management. This finding extends the current body of knowledge on microfinance institutions lending impacts on SME growth. The study recommends that leadership strategy is one of the important strategies that can be embraced by MFIs to enable them survive competition in the market. MFIs need to increase flexibility, use holistic and innovative financing, employ research, take advantage of technology and make lending personal to SMEs. Because the transactions are frequently small and the clients are mostly from difficult-to-reach locations, most formal financial institutions regard the poor as high risk and high cost. Microfinance institutions must break these barriers. This allows low-income families (SMEs) to stabilize their income flows and save for future needs. MFIs need to keep on providing their services to SMEs. MFIs also need to keep providing business training to equip SMEs with requisite skills in savings mobilization and micro enterprise investment options. Policymakers and other social partners must develop and implement strategies to boost SME growth in their respective countries. To build a knowledge base for SME growth, authorities at the local, national, and regional levels must conduct evidence-based analysis to feed social dialogue and policymaking processes.


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How to Cite

Kueredza, T. (2024). The Impact of Microfinance Institutions Lending on SMEs Growth in Zimbabwe. JISR Management and Social Sciences & Economics, 22(1), 50–71.