Work Engagement and Burnout Relationship with Adaptive Job Performance: Role of Psychological Ownership




Job demands, Work engagement, Burnout, Job resources, Adaptive job performance


This study aims to check the effect of job demands on employees' burnout and job resources on employees' work engagement with the moderating role of psychological ownership. Moreover, the direct and mediating role of burnout and work engagement in adaptive job performance. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire from a total of 311 four and five-star hotel employees and structural equational modeling was employed to test the hypotheses. The findings demonstrate the positive relation of job demands with burnout and job resources with work engagement. Furthermore, burnout has a direct negative as well as mediating relation with adaptive job performance whereas, work engagement has a direct positive as well as mediating relation with adaptive job performance. Lastly, the study has also found that psychological ownership weakens the relationship of job demands and employees’ burnout whereas, it strengthens the relationship among job resources and employees’ work engagement. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Naveed, M. (2022). Work Engagement and Burnout Relationship with Adaptive Job Performance: Role of Psychological Ownership. JISR Management and Social Sciences & Economics, 20(2), 38–60.



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