Assessment of Citizen Perception: A Case Study of Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Guimaraes, Portugal
Public Service Delivery, Citizen Satisfaction, Perceived Service Quality,, Solid Waste ManagementAbstract
This study explores a new method of service delivery in the public sector in Guimaraes, which is the UNESCO Heritage Centre. The primary reason for this effort is the paradigm shift in the public service sector, which has resulted in improved services in terms of quality and performance. The study was to evaluate the level of satisfaction citizens derive from the services provided to them. Innovative project for Solid waste management system was investigated in Guimaraes, Portugal. Data collection was done using a convenience sampling technique. Questionnaires were distributed to collect primary data from citizens of Guimaraes. Quantitative techniques were used to analyze data. The findings of the study indicated that citizens of Guimaraes are more satisfied with the new and innovative method of service delivery as compared to the old conventional method. The study also revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between Public Service Delivery and Citizen Satisfaction. Findings may help improve public service delivery projects success rates.
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