Effect of Music on Consumer Emotions – An Analysis of Pakistani Restaurant Industry
music, consumer’s emotions, mediation effect, restaurant industryAbstract
Music is used for emotional control purposes and has been helpful in stress management and enhancing general well-being. Music could favourably affect consumers’ perceptions. The subject of this research is to see the connection between the music in Pakistani restaurants, as well as to analyse its impact on customer behaviour, and whether the music in the restaurant makes the customer pay more attention and make them spend more time in a restaurant. This study involved data collection and analysis from 395 Customers in a Pakistan restaurant industry. SmartPLS software was used to analyse the outcomes after data collection, and the conceptual framework was validated using structural equation modelling (SEM) and factor analysis. Based on our findings, background music and customers’ emotions are positively related. Further, results indicate that music is favourably connected to spending more time and money in the restaurant of Pakistan, with themediation from consumers’ emotions. Background Music may aid in the growth of the Pakistan Restaurant industry since the findings of this study imply that customers will spend more money and time there due to the music. This study also suggests future research subjects on the evolution of the restaurant industry as a result of consumer emotions
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