A Systematic Review of Relationship between Financial Sustainability and Share Price
Share Price, financial sustainability, systematic review, theoriesAbstract
One of the most critical problems faced by companies in today's corporate universe world is financial sustainability, which can influence firms' overall profitability, efficiency and performance. Financial growth is thought to be one of the most important value drivers of equity shares, requiring adequate control. Since the issues of sustainable financial growth in the contemporary market are gradually becoming severe, i.e., if businesses have unrestrained income growth, this can lead businesses to major financial difficulties. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effect of financial sustainability on the share price. While financial sustainability is a less developed and new topic in the subject of corporate finance, but it is now becoming increasingly important. The present study explores systematically the relationship between financial sustainability and share price in 16 related articles published between 2011 to 2020. The findings reveal that the interest in the subject of financial sustainability and its impact on shareholder wealth is growing. This paper attempts to classify and cover the systematic review by critically evaluating the findings through analyzing the selected articles, which highlights the emerging business-related theories of financial sustainability and sets out a range of directions for future studies.
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